03 October, 2011

Current mood: t-i-r-e-d. long ass commute to and from college (I'm a student again, yay!) is getting the better of me

Current book: The American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld

Current guilty pleasure: Greek - a tv series about sorority life.

Current wish list: more hours in the day/leopard print jeans that aren't trashy

Current triumphs: getting up early... for me, it's a triumph

Current indulgence: cheesecake brownies.

Current outfit: ladybird print pjs

Current music: Feist's new album, it's amaze so far

Current drink: ginger beer

Current food: granny smiths

Current needs: a hair cut

Current tv: just starting the wire...

Current eye candy: Ryan Gosling

Current film:

Can't wait for the adaptation of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which is a great book

Current excitement: Going to Paris and Berlin at the end of the month!

1 comment:

Allie said...

Fun! Paris and Berlin!