Current books: The Bling Ring by Nancy Jo Sales
Current music:
This song
Current guilty pleasure: the marks and spencer white chocolate cookie that I'm eating right now
Current color: coral
Current drink: Root Beer, even though it tastes like mouthwash
Current food: in season strawberries
Current favorite show: Spiral and The Killing
Current wish list: tickets to next year's Sonar, some sun, Acne Star boots.
Current needs: a haircut. to bob or not to bob.
Current triumphs: seeing Michelle Obama today
Current celebrity crush: Leo in his cream jumper in Gatsby. Sigh.
Current indulgence: a glass of red
Current blessing: not getting sunburned in barcelona this past weekend. Factor 50 forever
Current outfit: denim shirt, loafers, leopard print jeans
Current excitement: seeing Springsteen in one month!
Current mood: sleepy
Current link:
Feminist T Swift. genius
[photo of Barceloneta by me]