02 February, 2010

Oscar Season!

What follows is my non-expert opinion on the noms announced this afternoon.

I'm a little bit of a film geek so was anxious for them to be announced! Ireland got two nods, both for Animated films. Very exciting!!

I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen that many of the main films but I will put that down to the extortionate price of the cinema in France! Anyhow, I'm dying to see 'Up In The Air' and 'Crazy Heart'... and Julie & Julia... and pretty much all the others. Really happy to see 'Un Prophéte' nominated for Best Foreign Film, but think it might lose out to Germany's 'Das Weisse Bande'.
And how could Christoph Waltz not win Best Supporting Male for Inglorious Bastards, especially considering he's won every single such award this past year?!

1 comment:

Allie said...

I'm definitely rooting for Christoph Waltz! Love him.