18 July, 2011

I eat. A lot. That is to say I consume a lot of food, and I do it frequently. I haven't met a food group I didn't like. The only thing I refuse to eat is soggy cereal. So, yeah, it's safe to say I eat a lot.
My diet is probably more balanced than others, but my friends sugars and fats seem to sneak their way in a few times a week.

I've decided to (try to) be a good foodie this week. My body is a temple and all that. I'm going to cut out all (or there abouts) processed food. Let's be realistic, the 'really' bad foods like cheese and meats tend to be the tastiest. So while I see the sense in avoiding chocolate and crisps, I will never say no to a good piece of brie.

I'm also going to be thrifty with my food. No freeganism, but I'll use up every bit I can. For example, today I bought a chicken. I'll roast it tonight. The leftovers should be good for a mexican dish tomorrow and I'll boil the carcass (horrible word, sorry) to make a basic chicken stock. I foresee veg soup and maybe some thai noodle soup on the menu this week.

I'm not going to turn into a Julie Powell wannabee but I may post the recipes I use... that's if I stick to this new 'diet'.

And here's a song that has nothing to do with any of the above:

1 comment:

Allie said...

Ooh, good for you. I'm inspired by you. Please do post recipes.