14 July, 2011

To celebrate La Bastille, I give you Jacques Brel.

What a voice.
(I know, he's Belgian. But sssh.)

I've been celebrating the 14th by talking in French to anyone who will listen.
It's fun, try it some time.
And tonight, while I'd like to be dining on Steak Frites in a little bouchon in the 5éme,
I'll be at the midnight screening of Harry Potter. It'll be bittersweet, but I can't wait.

And I may be wearing a customised tee for the occasion. And there's a possibility I'll be wearing Ravenclaw colours...

Happy 14th however you are, or aren't, celebrating it!

1 comment:

Allie said...

I'll be going to a restaurant aptly named Bastille tonight to celebrate! :)